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Synopsis "Tithing Promoters Big Lies"

Chp. 1 (Pre Law Lies) - This chapter describes the tithing that took place before the law. Although many claim that we should tithe because it took place before the law, this chapter clearly explains why this is both a lie and an erroneous argument for the Church to pay tithes, especially according to the law.

Chp. 2 (Curse Lie) - Exposes the coercion and fear tactics that are commonly practiced by the proponents of tithing. Shows how many are unscripturally and unjustly being brought under bondage and why this is inconsistent with both the covenant and dispensation of grace. To say that the curse of the law even exist today is simply a lie. This teaching conflicts with the truth stated in Galatians 3:13.

Chp. 3 (Blessing Lie) - Exposes the delusions that are generated by the teaching that tithing is required today to obtain blessings. Explains how this teaching has caused many to become less spiritual minded and more materialistic. This teaching is a lie and conflicts with the truth stated in Galatians 3:14.

Chp. 4 (Storehouse Lie) - Defines the storehouse and the purpose that it served. Explains why the local church is not a storehouse in spite of the fact that the tithing promoters dishonestly proclaim it as such.

Chp. 5 (Lies about Malachi) - Dispels the lie that the book of Malachi is applicable to the New Testament Church. Other lies generated by taking verses from Malachi way out of context are also dispelled. Proves beyond any doubt that the book of Malachi is only applicable to the ancient nation of Israel while they were under the Old Testament's law covenant.

Chp. 6 (Lies about Non Tithers) - Point out the vicious lies that the tithing promoters spew out against non tithers in their attempt to demonize them and silence any opposition to their false teaching.

Chp. 7 (Prosperity Lies) - Shows how the false prosperity gospel of today has transformed the gospel of grace into a gospel of greed. Expose the many lies that Christian leaders utilize to dupe the poorest and most vulnerable in society out of the little money they have and even cause many of them to sink deep into debt.

Chp. 8 (The 10% Lie) - Defines from the bible what a tithe truly is and proves beyond any doubt that a tithe is absolutely not 10% and is in fact considerably less than 10% the vast majority of the time.

Chp. 9 (Inaccuracies) - Uncover a multitude of inaccuracies generated by the false modern day tithing doctrine. Shows how time and time again the tithing promoters fail to line up with the word of God.

Chp. 10 (Manipulations, Scams and Con Jobs) - Exposes the multiple manipulations, scams and con jobs which have become rampant within the Church as well as the many lies associated with them.

Chp. 11 (Summary of 50 Big Lies) - This chapter list and describe 50 major lies and false concepts of the tithing promoters. These major lies are fully exposed while the enlightening and liberating truth from the bible is clearly revealed.

Chp. 12 (Stop Lying and Tell the Truth) - Encourage honesty within the Church. Urge people to turn away from lying and warns them of the serious consequences they will face if the refuse to do so.

Chp. 13 (Over 250 Lies Revealed) - This chapter list and describe over 250 lies and false concepts of the prosperity teaching tithing promoters.